The mission of Helping Haitian Children, Inc. (HHC) is to work with Petits Freres de Ste. Therese d'Enfant Jesus in Riviere Froide to
Empower the Catholic Brothers to provide and maintain a school and pre-school lunch program
Support local community initiatives for improving nutrition
Provide scheduled preventative and curative health education for families
"vant ki vid pa tande"
"An Empty Stomach Has No Ears"
Sister Ellen Flynn - MA Pastorial Counselor and Haiti Urban Expert - continued...
Following her time at the Hospice, she moved to rural Haiti and a position at St. Boniface Hospital in Fond de Blanc. She worked as the Pastoral Care Minister for five years. She worked directly with patients and staff. Using her knowledge of the culture and love of people, she counseled the sick and dying, shared the joys of new birth and sent those that recovered on their way. She ended her life in Haiti there but has continued to keep her connections with many of the colleagues still living there. She is an expert manager, with particular skill navigating the nearly impossible Haitian political and social landscape and is able to accomplish much with grace, humor and tenacity. Her work in Haiti is summed up thus, “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.” Rumi