The mission of Helping Haitian Children, Inc. (HHC) is to work with Petits Freres de Ste. Therese d'Enfant Jesus in Riviere Froide to
Empower the Catholic Brothers to provide and maintain a school and pre-school lunch program
Support local community initiatives for improving nutrition
Provide scheduled preventative and curative health education for families
"vant ki vid pa tande"
"An Empty Stomach Has No Ears"
Sharon Daly Eriksen - RN, CPN - continued...
My husband Keith is a volunteer firefighter and Chaplain of the Hempstead Fire Department and my daughter Kara is a School Psychologist for the Mystic-Stonington School District and they are my greatest supporters. We have been blessed in so many ways. As a small way of saying Thank You I began mission work several years ago to the Caribbean Islands of Jamaica and Haiti. Approximately five years ago while attending a mission in Haiti I was blessed to meet an amazing volunteer by the name of Mary Lou Benoit Connors, a woman who is truly a reflection of God’s Love in action. Seeking assistance to address some of the challenges that we encounter on our missions offered me the gift of connecting with Bette Gebrian. Bette’s commitment to humanity is a quality that one should emulate.
My desire was to give to others but unfortunately that goal will never be achieved, as those that I am so fortunate to serve give more to me than I will ever give to them.